Medium: Single channel video, with quadraphonic sound-scape.
Soundscape by David Wardle (1972-2001) and Blaide Lallemand.
Date :1999
Artist statement
This work engenders in the audience an appreciation of the beauty and value of the natural world, in order to make them critically aware of their role as an individual consumer and their relationship with the world at large.
When entering the work the viewer is cloaked with a white robe, they are then led over a bridge and view on the floor a video projection of the rhythms of the ocean. A specialized soundscape made from my breath and voice, creates the sensation and atmosphere of waves and animal life of the ocean.
The intention of the work is to expand the viewers understanding of our vital relationship with the natural world, in particular the ocean. The nature and construction of the work with it’s focus on immersing the viewer into an environment, and acknowledging audience presence ultimately gives the viewer a positive and accessible understanding of our connected relationship with the natural world.
This work is portraying the important concept of no longer viewing humanity and technology as separate entities from the world. The significance of the work celebrates the subtle and complex symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, this work is not a critique of the human destruction on the environment but a reminder of the importance of our interconnectedness with the world around us and the importance of respecting that relationship.